MEASUREMENT and Monitoring

for heart failure patients

heart failue

A Huge Burden for Families and Society


Heart Failure (HF) Patients in the United States 1 


HF Mortality Rate in 5 Years 1 


HF Hospitalizations /year in the United States 2 

65% of $30Billion

HF Hospitalization Costs of All Medical HF costs in 2020 1


1 Urbich M, Globe G, Pantiri K, et al. A Systematic Review of Medical Costs Associated with Heart Failure in the USA (2014–2020). PharmacoEconomics (2020) 38:1219–1236

2 Mozaffarian D, Benjamin EJ, Go AS, et al. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2015 Update: A Report From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2015;131:e29–e322

Filling pressure guided management is proven to reduce re-hospitalization 

in heart failure patients.

Why CardioStory?

CardioStory combines patented, proprietary sensor technology with advanced algorithms to build a Non-Invasive Filling Pressure (NIFP) measurement and monitoring platform for heart failure patients.


High Accuracy (mmHg) Cardiac Filling Pressure Measurement


Simple Measurement to Get Cardiac Filling Pressure in Two Minutes

Clinical Study

NIFP VS. Echocardiography

Using 18mmHg as cut-off value, the agreement rate is 83%, with 74% positive agreement rate and 86% negative agreement rate, p<0.0001.

NIFP VS. PCWP by Right Heart Catheterization

Using 18mmHg as cut-off value, the accuracy is 88%, with 71% sensitivity and 91% specificity, P<0.001. N=93.

CardioStory is committed to building a technology platform that addresses the full spectrum of cardiovascular care, including heart failure, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, and more.

For Patients

We help people reduce hospital visits and improve their quality of life.

For Care Providers

Our advanced sensing technology helps healthcare providers monitor patients’ conditions outside the hospital and supports better disease management.

CardioStory Inc